If you spend time in classical Christian schools you’ll probably hear the phrase “the true, the good, and the beautiful.” These ideals represent the highest values and aspirations of humanity originating in Greek philosophy and found throughout the works of Plato- but what do they actually mean, and why do they matter today… beyond being an inspiring slogan or an ideal phrase to put on a wall hanging from Hobby Lobby? How do these concepts serve as a framework for raising the next generation and achieving full human flourishing? Listen to this episode with guest Junius Johnson to dive in.
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- https://americaschristiancu.com/personal/
- https://www.cltexam.com/
- https://www.gcu.edu/
- https://gutenberg.edu/
- https://classicalacademicpress.com/
- https://www.lifearchitectscoaching.com/
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